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Hydrotherapy Session - Cape Town: Pet Wellness Worx
- Of Special Interest -

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
72703 R50.00 0 R0.00

No Winning Bidder


  • Promotion of relaxation & the warmth of the water eases muscles
  • Massaging-effect that warms & unwinds muscles, stimulates blood circulation & generally relaxes the dog before or after exercise
  • Muscle strengthening, maintenance & restoration
  • Intensify conditioning or boost weight loss
  • Improve range of motion of affected joints
  • Decreases load on weight bearing joints & arthritic joints
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Reduces swelling
  • Enhance cardiovascular fitness & function after injury
  • Provide stability and confidence while exercising
  • Invigorating & healthy


  • Initiating an expansion of surface blood vessels & increasing the skin temperature, which can bring about a decrease in pain, muscle spasm, swelling & stiffness.
  • Buoyancy decreases load on weight bearing joints, which allows easier movement, increased exercise promoting wider range of movement.
  • Hydrostatic pressure applied by the water can assist in reducing swelling by causing blood fluid to move away from the affected area and increased with further exercise of the limb.
  • The animal is able to move and make use of his muscles and joints in a way that would not be possible on land due to his poor balance and weight bearing issues due to the buoyancy
  • Reduces gravity, diminishing concussive forces thereby reducing stress on joints
  • Hydrostatic pressure promotes circulation and pain relief
  • Resistance helps to aid muscle strengthening